A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal


This is my first year to take the A-Z Blogging Challenge, and I am so excited! All of the writers have the option to select a theme if they would like to do that. March 23rd was the official day for the “Theme Reveal”, and I am a couple days late doing that, but I am still so glad to have the opportunity to participate in this challenge. If you would like to take the A-Z Challenge you can read about that here:  http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2015.html

My theme for April 2015 is “Blossoming Verses“. If Robert Louis Stevenson just came to your mind, please know that although I like his poetry, I have something else in mind. Three of my favorite activities are Bible study, writing poems, and flower gardening. Each day I am going to share a verse or two from the Bible that begins with the letter of the day, then some information about a flower, and write a poem. Hopefully I will be able to tie them all together in a nice fashion.

If any of you have taken the A-Z challenge before I would appreciate some help with something technical. One of the things that we are asked to do is to display their badge in our sidebar. I read some brief tutorials that mentioned something about widgets. I clicked on the word “widgets” after hovering over the word “Appearance” in the left margin of my dashboard, but could not decipher what I found. I am extremely challenged when it comes to technical things. If anyone can help me with this I would be so grateful.

Here is the Badge:


Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord?  Please click here:
http://pronetoponder.wordpress.com/category/about-salvation-very-important-words/ and make sure.

Do you have a Bible? If you don’t have one, you need not worry. Just click here: www.biblegateway.com  They have many versions and translations of the Bible that you can read. Some of the best things in life are free!

7 thoughts on “A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

  1. Debbie says:

    I am so wowed that you are doing this, Theresa! Yay! This is going to be fun! I so wish I could help you with the technical stuff, but I never learned how to do that either! Argh! Praying someone comes along who can explain it !
    Love and prayers!

  2. John Holton says:

    I think I can help you with the badge thing.

    – From your dashboard, select Appearance. You should get a submenu; click on Widgets.
    – You’ll see a two-column list called “Available Widgets.” About halfway down in the second column you’ll see “Image.” Drag that widget to the top of the “Primary Sidebar” box and drop it at the top.
    – It should open a box where you can put in the particulars. The Image URL should be

    and the link URL should be


    – Click “Save” and it should appear.

    Hope that helps.

    I hope you have a good time with the challenge. Let me know if you have questions.

    John Holton
    Blogging from A to Z 2015 Cohost
    The Sound of One Hand Typing

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